The silhouettes of two people on separate bikes with a hand stretched towards each other. It could mean that they are holding onto each other or letting go. It symbolizes the topic Are you clingy?.

In Galatians 5:11, the Apostle Paul wrote a question that shed light on the environment and times in which he was preaching the gospel.  And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.  The Apostle Paul would not have offended people and been persecuted if he had preached circumcision along with the Cross.  The Jews would have accepted salvation through Christ if they could have kept the Law along with acknowledging the Cross. The Cross would have no longer been an offense to them.

I notice that as I walk with God that He shows me what is hindering my relationship with Him.  Systematically, God reveals what He is requiring me to release from my life.  At that point, I must decide if I am going to abandon it or continue to cling to it.  I have abandoned environments, relationships, TV shows, and conversations that I can no longer be a part of because it does not bring glory to God.

If I ignore the Holy Spirit’s prompting for me to change, then my unwillingness reveals that I have an idol in my life.  An idol is anything that we add alongside, or in place, of God.  We are elevating the idol to the same status in our lives as our Savior, Creator, and King.  For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.  (Exodus 34:14)

What about you?  People around you may be okay that you accepted Jesus if you keep all of your old ways along with the Cross.  Abandoning old habits and old lifestyles is not always easy.  To be honest, oftentimes it is a battle.  The changes in you may even offend other people.  Just like the Apostle Paul, you may experience persecution from those around you.  However, you have a choice.  Will you choose your way or God’s way?

Is there anything that you need to abandon to be in a right relationship with God (but are unwilling to)? 

Have you accepted Jesus as long as you can keep (______)? 

What have you abandoned from your old life that has become an offense to others?

For more on pleasing God, read Take Inventory.

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Copyright 2020 T.L. Lockley. All rights reserved.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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